Thursday, January 3, 2008

i am pulling all the weight here but,


Blogger Jared said...

Jared will be posting another necklace very very soon. It will be a 7 day auction so keep checking ebay for listings from the same seller you posted. There will be one more listed.

December 25, 2007 9:41 PM

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

dear jennalise & paul,

please post those amazing articles you are finding about our favorite children!

thanks & merry christmas,


Monday, December 24, 2007

it is christmas eve & i am jewish

MEANING ... i'm trolling the internet while eating chinese food.
and this is fortunate for you (reader, i.e. jenna/paul) because lookie what i found:

APPARENTLY blogger user optimisto has provided a picture of the purchase of A HANDCRAFTED JARED-MADE BONANZA CITY NECKLACE. when the episode aired with jared making and selling these necklaces, i could only dream of how i could get my hands on one and how much i would actually pay (let's just say, it would be more than $177... which was the winning bid.) so WHO put one of these priceless heirlooms on the web and why wasn't i informed? also, how can we prove it's authenticity? i would almost like it to be fake because that means there is someone out there MAKING fake jared bonanza necklaces. if optimisto by chance finds this post can he PLEASE send me some more information on his purchase.

ps who is selling this message, like jared's dad? his agent? his public representation? where can i find this person?!

Friday, December 21, 2007

please, cbs?

forget that lame reunion post i posted about 5 minutes ago! let's reminisce on the good times. by the looks of the writer's strike, CBS is gonna need some new reality programming... what do you say cbs? give jared his own show! look at this untapped talent:

a shot of love with jared?
the life of a child pimp?
i want candy: jared's story
just get him to perform shakespeare for a tv special,


a few things worth noticing:
laurel's different outfit (nice pantsuit!)
zach (in general)
how weird it is seeing these kids not all dirty and gross in the same clothes they wore the whole time
where's greg?

the end.

Kid Nation Romance?

The one thing that Kid Nation was lacking was ROMANCE. Seriously, when a bunch of 12-15 year olds are stuck together in a desert, obviously there's gonna be some macking. If all the stories I heard about summer camp are true, then at least Migle must have gotten some.

Likely and possible couples:
Michael & Sophia
Migle & Greg
Migle & Blaine
Natasha & Greg
Natasha & Blaine
Greg & Blaine
Laurel & Blaine
Greg & Maggie (the goth chick we saw twice)
DK & Laurel (kidding)

Unlikely couples:
Olivia & Anjay
Migle & Alex
Jared & anyone

What do you guys think?

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Season finale

I cannot fully express my disappointment for Kid Nation's season finale. The only freeze-frame worthy scene was Jared making his parents do sake bombs or whatever they do in that "saloon." Jared's mom was fat and his dad was a bro, so that was cool. I was happy when Zach got the first gold star, even though it was annoying to have to watch him cry again. It was also annoying to hear everyone saying how they're going to miss the other kids so much, these kids are like my brothers and sisters, this really proved that kids can be independent...seriously, DK, shut up.

Also, WAY too much Jonathan Karsh in this episode. This show is KID Nation, not Jonathan Nation. Zing.

So they had 3 $50,000 gold stars at the end, and the dumb council gets to choose who gets them. So really, no one in the council could win one of the gold stars, which sucked because I think Michael was the most deserving. So the gold stars went to:

1) Sophia. DUH Sophia deserved it, she does all the work and was by far the most mature person on the show. Also her psychological experiments really did a lot for science. Team Sophia!

2) Morgan. Whaaaaaaaaat??????????? Seriously? Ok, Morgan already got ONE gold star for no reason, now she has a total of $70,000? Of course, she did her hands-over-the-face-excited-crying thing that she always does. How dumb.

3) Migle. Ok, I guess that Migle's agent somehow convinced the producers to give her some more screen time so that she could get her acting career started (look up Migle on IMDB), so by the end of the series we started to see her emerge from her Paris-and-Nicole shell and suddenly everyone had good things to say about her. She prevented Emilie & Kelsey from almost killing each other (more on this later). But clearly, what should have happened here is SHE should have gotten the first gold star, and Zach should have gotten one of the $50,000 stars. That is, if they really felt like they had to give Migle anything.

Ok so there were 13 $20,000 gold stars altogether, and 3 $50,000. If we could go back and give 13 gold stars to really deserving people and 3 big ones to really deserving people, here's what should have happened:

The 13 gold stars would have gone to DK, Alex, Hunter, Nathan, Zach, Mallory, Anjay, Mike, Migle, Sophia, Jared, Morgan (I know I said she got it for no reason but I guess she was nice, and I'm looking at the list of all the kids and there isn't really anyone better), and Greg (as much as I don't want to do it....Greg HAS been a strong leader and there's no denying it). I have to say I think it's pretty dumb that Anjay never won a gold star. Even though he fucked up sometimes, he was generally a really good kid and worked hard while he was on council, and he put up with Olivia's cuntface more than anyone else could have dealt with.

The 3 big ones would have gone to: Laurel, Michael, Sophia. This would make Sophia the richest pioneer.

By far the funniest scene was the one with Kelsey and Emilie fighting. Those bitches, not letting Emilie sleep with the chickens. And I have to say, Leila is more of a little twat than I realized. She and Taylor belong together. It actually reminded me of this time when I was like 13 and my cousins slept over and I wanted to hang out with my cool cousin and my sister wanted to sleep with us and we told her no because she was only like 8 and we wanted to talk about boys and she cried. It's basically the same thing. Luckily, Migle came to the rescue and told Emilie to leave the other girls alone. Good job, Migle.

My favorite was Kelsey going, "No Emilie listen, we all love you soooo much, andyou're, like, totally our best friend forever, but...we just hate you and don't want your smelly fat body anywhere near our bunks BYE!!!!"

Yeah but otherwise it was kind of cool to see all the kids' trashy moms. And that's really it.